Armin Ordodary Cool
Boiler Rooms Illegal Broker Activities Persones Projects Ticker

Update on Armin Ordodary and his desperate defense activities!

FinTelegram has recently brought a report about the notorious boiler room operator Armin Ordodary. His boiler rooms in Belgrade are facilitating huge scams and illegal activities of regulated brokers. Ordodary is a person of interest to various law enforcement agencies in Europe. Specifically in Germany, Italy, and Spain. He has tried to prevent reports from FinTelegram using DMCA copyright infringement claims. Well, we share this experience with Forex Peace Army (FPA), we learned. Nothing new here. Ordodary will finally have to answer to the courts.

This public has been posted on the website of at:
And it has been removed, we suspect, not for free.
So You can see saved copies of the page in the web archive:


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